Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Not Too Long Ago...

It's been over a year since I wrote my one and only post.
Over a year.
Only one post.

Not too long ago, if I had managed to find my way back to my blog, I would have been sorely tempted to just quietly shut it down and hope that no one ever mentioned it to me. I certainly wouldn't  mention it to them. But, this isn't 'not too long ago'. This is now. And I have made some decisions since 'not too long ago'. One of those decisions is to write. So, I am writing...

I have decided to write regularly and to read and do activities that help me in my goal of writing more often and becoming better at it. One of the first things I am doing is working through the book The Right to Write by Julia Cameron. She is the author of the best selling book/program The Artist's Way which includes the famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view and perhaps what side of the bed you got out on) Morning Pages. The Right to Write also has Morning Pages built into it and I am looking forward to writing those three 8 1/2 x 11 pages, long hand, every morning. But I am not to that point  yet and since I have decided to be faithful to her intentions for the book, I am reading and doing the exercises in her order. I have only read/written for two days, but I have enjoyed what I have done so far. And I am WRITING!

The second thing I am doing to keep writing is posting regularly here. I cannot promise that what I write will be worth reading, but I am going to push on and hopefully be lucid and maybe even entertaining as I go forward.

As for right now... It is 11:00 and I am exhausted. Today I wrote.  Washed several loads of laundry (even put away the clean clothes :). Started trying to find my floor under all the stuff that has piled up. Sorted through a huge pile of magazines. Got dinner on the table. And, found all the Christmas presents I have bought so far and corralled them all in one place. Tomorrow it will be more of the same with the addition of starting on cleaning out the pantry. Fun, fun, fun :)

So before I fall asleep while typing, goodnight to one and all. I hope you had a fun and productive day and that tomorrow is even better :)

1 comment:

  1. Good to have you back, Sis! And thanks for mentioning the books. Sarah gave me The Artist's Way a couple of years ago and I have yet to crack the binding. I think now, I shall. :-)

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