This year is flying by, and at the same time it is slow as molasses... It is already the last full week of March. A quarter of the year over. But I remember feeling, when the snow and ice and general unpleasantness were all around, it seemed that spring would never get here.
So far, it has been a crazy ride. A lot of continuing drama and angst (I will be MUCH happier when it is over and done.) A new grandchild (Welcome to the world, Paris Kimball Thomas!) And some changes that have been a long time coming (health, writing, wardrobe, stuff...)
One change that has been very good, but difficult at the same time, is that I stopped working through the book The Right to Write that I mentioned in a previous post. Instead, a friend and I are going through The Artist's Way by the same author (Julia Cameron). It is very similar, but much more in depth. And harder hitting. There are times I feel like she is peeling off my skin, layer by layer, without the benefit of anesthesia... It is forcing me to look at my life in a whole new way; to examine my motives and beliefs and desires. So, so hard! But I trust that, in the end, it will be worth it.
At the end of each Week (chapter), Julia has laid out Tasks to complete. Sometimes there are also activities to do within the chapter. Week 4, which I just completed, has a couple of these. One is fairly innocuous: four or five times she says to write down five things that fall under a heading that she gives you (an example would be "Five things you enjoyed doing as a child".) These are quick, don't think too hard about it, go with your first thoughts type lists. The second activity, however, is anything but innocuous. It is a challenge to take part in a Reading Depravation Week. Actually, however, it is a bit broader than the title suggests. No reading, email, social media, or tv for a week. When I first read this, I almost yelled "NO!" However, I refrained, and merely started breathing very quickly. I was so shocked that for a few moments I just reread the section a couple of times, sure I had misunderstood. However, I finally realized that I was correctly interpreting what she had written. As soon as I realized that, a thought hit me totally out of left field. "I understand what she is saying and why. And she's right..."
Her reasoning is that people (especially creative people who are just learning how to release their creativity) often fill their time with words to keep from having to acknowledge and live into the promise of this creativity. We read voraciously. We binge watch tv shows and indulge in movie marathons. We spend hours on social media and exchanging emails with people. None of this is bad in and of itself. But when it is used to hide from what's inside us needing to get out, it is not only bad, it is destructive. I can totally relate to this. I am guilty of this. Regularly. Her answer is to take a week and turn off all the extraneous stuff and spend time thinking and doing and getting in touch with your inner artist.
So, starting tomorrow (Thursday), I will be shutting it all down. No books, magazines or newspapers. No emailing or spending hours trolling through Facebook. No tv shows or movies. Instead, I am hoping to get my room straightened up and all the junk weeded through and outta there. I am going to spend time going through my clothes and paring down ruthlessly, saving only those things that I truly like and feel good wearing. (Google Capsule Wardrobe to get an idea of what I am trying to accomplish.) I am going to make some lists of things that I want and need to do to make my life more sane and joyful (including one with books I want to read in specific genres and on specific topics.) I am going to take a few walks around our neighborhood and maybe go check out what's new at the museum. And I am going to make a 30 day menu to help jumpstart the Whole 30 I am beginning on Monday the 6th. (You can Google that one, too.)
I know this isn't going to be easy. I will probably curse Julia Cameron more than once. I am already feeling the withdrawal pains (and at the moment I am on the computer writing a blog, for heaven's sake!) But, I know she is right. And in the end, again, I trust that it will be worth it.
See you on the other side...