Thursday, September 12, 2013

I have no idea what I'm doing...

I really envy my kids sometimes. They grew up in the "information age" and the "computer age" and hence seem to be able to figure out how to wing their way through all things computer and smart phone and tablet and...well, you get the idea. 

I, on the other hand, grew up in the age of the dinosaur. Well, not really. But it feels that way sometimes. 

My dad has always loved all things electronic and, when I was in school, his law firm had the first word processor in town. He loved it from the get go. It took his legal assistant a little while longer to come to grips with the thing. But eventually she mastered and did well with it as well as his later electronic acquisitions. Unfortunately, I did not live at his office, but in his home, so I didn't get to play with the neat new electronics he purchased to use at work. 

So, as an adult, I am now playing catch up and trying to muddle through all the new and exciting things available to me...and trying hard not to totally screw something up in the process. 

I've never had a blog, though I am a writer. Writing is in my DNA. Buried way down deep. I have written almost as long as I have been alive. Poetry. Articles. Newsletters. Stories. You name it, I've probably written it. But I've never had a blog. Why? Well, it looked complicated. Intimidating even. It required that I sit down with my MacBook Air and actually poke around and figure out how to do it. 

Well, today I bit the bullet. I was on my sister's blog reading some of her back posts. She is a wonderful writer, almost 11 years younger than me, and a different temperament. Much more like our dad. Her blog is beautiful as well as well-written and humorous. But as I read through her posts, I realized that I just needed to jump in and do it. So I did.

This is my first foray into the blogging world. I have a feeling my blog will look a bit boring for a while as I try and figure out how to spice it up. I will probably end up on the phone with Marybeth as she walks me through the process. Whatever. I have made the first step, and I am not quitting.